National Hugging Day (Dress like a SUPER HERO day)


National Hugging Day is January 21st and WellKind School for Early Learners will be celebrating on Friday, January 20th!

On Friday, January 19th, WellKind School will be celebrating the powerful act of hugging!
Maybe you have heard that HUGGING IS POWERFUL, but do you know about the specific benefits that your child will be receiving during this amazing day/lesson?
Hugging Day is a pillar event in the WellKind Community, to join the fun here are the powerful ingredients:
1. Dress your child in a superhero shirt/theme
2. Participate in a Hug-A-Thon safely among your community. All you will need to do is HUG EVERYONE YOU SEE and spread the healing POWER OF HUGS!
We truly believe that we can change the world by hugging heart-to-heart one hug at a time.
There is more…research shows that hugging (and also laughter) is extremely effective in healing sickness, disease, loneliness, depression, anxiety, and stress.
Our goal is to give and receive 13 HUGS A DAY, every day!
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