March 2022 Newsletter


March in a Glance!

Our Events

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Look at the fun things happening in our classrooms this March!

Infant Classroom

Infants will be exploring the sights and sounds of the desert as they enjoy sensory experiences of different textures such as soft scarves and rough sandpaper. Infants will also be listening to different rhythmic tones and teachers will be paying attention to how their bodies move to the sounds!

Young Toddler Classroom

During the month of March, Young Toddlers will be learning about the desert. For example, we will be exploring the differences between hot and cold with water. We will also talk about the animals and plants that live in the desert. We will be reading Dr. Seuss books to celebrate his birthday. and we will make Dr. Seuss crafts as well. Our monthly vegetable, cabbage, will be involved in our lessons as we eat it and use it to do art!

Older Toddler Classroom

For the month of March the Older Toddlers will be developing fun and new techniques for managing their emotions. We will be turning our listening ears on, so that we pay attention to our friends' feelings as well as communicate our own. Along with this we will be having so much fun learning about desert life . We will even be making a "desert in a box", desert play dough scenes, and all kinds of desert activities and crafts. This month as we focus more deeply on literacy we are bringing reading to life by becoming the characters. Sometimes we pretend to be foxes, bears, or even instruments. Dramatic play is what is keeps us interested in the stories and helps us learn so much.

Preschool Classroom

Preschool is hoping March comes in like a Lion and out like a Lamb. We will be thinking warm thoughts as we explore the “Desert” with our curriculum activities. We are also So Lucky for all the people in our lives and we will be talking about why we are So Lucky. Celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday the first week of March, we will be reading his books, rhyming some funny words, wearing some crazy things, and eating some green foods. Our word of the month is Compassion.

Pre K Classroom

In Pre K we will be learning about all about the desert through books, projects, songs and pictures. Will will be looking for leprechauns and finding all the reasons we are so lucky!! We will celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday with reading books and doing art projects. Our word of the month is friendly and we will be talking about ways to be a friend.

Pre K Counts Classroom

This month Pre-K Counts will be exploring the desert. We will continue talking about opposites like hot and cold, and comparing objects through sorting. We will learn about what it means to be creative and what it means to be unique. We will focus on rhymes by reading stories and poems with lots of rhymes in them.

School Age Classroom

School Age Students will learn about their character strengths and how they can develop them as they grow. They will also help set up our Farmer's Market, explore the vegetable of the month-cabbage, and learn about healthy ways to express their gratitude and appreciation to others.

The Teacher Spotlight!

Did you know that reading to your child every day is one of the most important activities you can do to help them learn to read and succeed in school? This month we asked our teachers to tell us about their favorite book as a child and how they incorporate reading in the classroom to encourage important early literacy skills with your little book lover!

Parent Learning Corner

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