Tuition Chart

Tuition Chart

Tuition Rates

*Rates are subject to change without previous notice

Last Update: January 2024

Young Toddler Classroom. (12 months – 24 months)

Weekly Fee


Older Toddler Classroom. (2 years old – 3 years old)

Weekly Fee


Preschool Classroom. (3 years old) /Pre-K Classroom. (Kindergarten Readiness) 

Weekly Fee


School Age Classroom. (Before and After School)

Weekly Fee



Other Tuition Fees

Enrollment Fee $75 / Biannually Service Fee $37.50

A Registration Fee will be charged at time of enrollment and a Biannual Fee will be charged to each family in the month of January and July for updating and maintaining records.

Weekly Educational Fee $2

Weekly Educational Fee will be charged to each child  Infant to Pre-K. This concept includes our parent app and classrooms materials.

School Age Educational Weekly Fee $8

This fee will be charged per week per school age child. This concept includes our parent app, transportation, WI-FI, classroom materials and discounted rates on field trips.